Hey Whitemane! We have an update on EVERYTHING so let’s do it quickly.


Whitemane Oktoberfest

In October, we will be hosting Oktoberfest which means that there will be an event every weekend! With a prize pool of $3000, we are going to host a 2v2 PvP Tournament, Stairway to Heaven - an event where you jump and climb to the top of the world, 3v3 PvP Tournament and a PvE Speedrun event. If you can’t participate, fear not - by watching our livestreams you can also win some fat loot!


With 30,000 active weekly players, 15,000 active daily players, and almost 5000 concurrent online players, we’re the biggest Cataclysm server in history and we couldn’t have done it without you. Whitemane is getting bigger, we are soon launching our Vanilla realm, and afterwards, Frostmourne - a fresh Wrath of the Lich King realm. The future is bright, young one, and we expect you to uncover it with us.

Thanks for reading this news. If you are on our Discord, you’re familiar with all of this, but if not: you’re welcome. Dream on ❤️